Minnesota Snowmobiling is the leading snowmobiling publication in Minnesota and the state’s Number One source of industry news, events, and up-to-date information. With a readership of 55,000 snowmobiling enthusiasts, Minnesota Snowmobiling is the official publication of the Minnesota United Snowmobilers Association (MnUSA). Our members shop with businesses that support MnUSA, spending an average of $3,000 annually on snowmobiling! For the 2024-25 season, Minnesota Snowmobiling will publish 7 consecutive months starting with the September issue.

September 2024

Bonus Circulation: Your ads will be seen by tens of thousands of additional readers in the digital edition. Include your company’s URL in the print ad and with one click, online readers will be taken directly to your website! Each issue is published digitally on MnSnowmobiler.org.

March 2024

December 2023

February 2024

November 2023

January 2024

October 2023

Snowmobiling by the Numbers...


Registered Snowmobiles in Minnesota

1 in 5

of the nation’s snowmobilers are in Minnesota


snowmobiling jobs
in North America

$26 billion

Spent annually on snowmobiling in the U.S.


Average spent annually by MnUSA members


Consider snowmobiling a family activity

Display Rates

Ad Size                1x                   4x                  7x/Annual

Full page          $3372           $3155                   $2866

1/2 page           2091              1956                      1777

1/4 page           1296             1213                        1102

1/8 page            804               752                        683

1/16 page          498                466                       423


Special discounts for MnUSA business sponsors,
MnUSA clubs, and non-profits.

Issue Deadlines

Issue                               Closing              Ad Materials            Mail Date

September 2024           7/26/24                    8/2/24                   8/21/24

October 2024                8/26/24                   9/3/24                   9/25/24

November 2024            9/26/24                  10/3/24                  10/25/24

December 2024           10/28/24                  11/4/24                  11/22/24

January 2025               11/27/24                  12/2/24                   12/21/24

February 2025              12/27/24                 1/3/25                     1/24/25

Spring 2025                   2/26/25                 3/3/25                     3/24/25

Ad Sizes

.                                               Width x Height

2-page spread (w/bleed)………17” x 11.25”

Full page (w/bleed)……………8.75” x 11.25”

Full page………………………….7.75” x 10.25”

1/2 page (v)………………………3.8” x 10.25”

1/2 page (h)………………………….7.75” x 5”

1/4 page (v)…………………………..3.8” x 5”

1/4 page (h)………………………7.75” x 2.5”

1/8 page (v)………………………1.825” x 5”

1/8 page (h)……………………….3.8” x 2.5”

1/16 page ………………………1.825” x 2.5”

Editorial Calendar

Sep 2024: Hay Days Preview Summer Show Roundup

Oct 2024: Fall Workshop Preview • The Election: Explained Sledder Style

Nov 2024: Fall Workshop Recap Sled Prep Kickoff

Dec 2024: Holiday Gift Guide Destination Favorites

Jan 2025: Winter Rendezvous Preview   Safety Issue
Youth Training: The Next Generation

Feb 2025: Winter Rendezvous Recap • Trail Destinations: The Best of the Best

Mar 2025: 2026 Model Lineup Sled Storage Prep

Why Support Minnesota Snowmobiling magazine?

It’s simple. Without support, there is no snowmobiling industry in Minnesota.

To learn more: mnsnowmobiler.org or call 866-811-7669

In the past year, MnUSA has added
more than 2,000 new members!

Let's get started!

Why wait to grow your business? Just as we’ve done for hundreds of businesses and organizations, we can discuss the best options for upping your media game!


To learn more: mnsnowmobiler.org or call Chuck at 630-887-1941

Let's get started!

Why wait to grow your business? Just as we’ve done for hundreds of businesses and organizations, we can discuss the best options for upping your media game!

CONTACT US BY EMAILTo learn more: mnsnowmobiler.org or CALL CHUCK: (630) 887 1941

To learn more: mnsnowmobiler.org

The exclusive advertising representative of Minnesota Snowmobiling